News from ProDentures
Your Source for Affordable Partial & New Dentures in Houston, Texas

Troubled or missing teeth can dramatically affect one's self-confidence, but many people are still hesitant about undergoing a viable and affordable procedure to fix their broken smiles. They think they must endure a lot of pain while the dentist extracts your remaining teeth to fit your mouth for a new set of dentures.

While it sounds like a real hassle, the truth is that dentures are beneficial and, in many cases, a necessity. Although they may feel awkward for some time as you become accustomed to wearing them, dentures are worth the mild discomfort and are a great investment in the long run.

So, when is it time to consider new dentures?

Determining the best time to get dentures is based on the individual and the condition of one’s teeth. Regular visits to the dentist every six months will provide them with the insight that they need to help you make the proper decision. There are some telltale signs that can indicate a looming need for dentures, such as gums that are consistently swollen and bleeding.

These particular symptoms can reflect gum disease, which remains the primary cause for adult tooth loss. Other symptoms are toothache (a toothache is common when losing teeth due to tooth decay), missing teeth and trouble eating or chewing food.

Most people wonder if full or partial dentures are expensive?

Since dental implants have always been very costly, dentures are a viable option, especially for older seniors that are on a limited or fixed budget.  Fortunately, there are still some good denture clinics that offer high-quality dentures at affordable prices, like ProDentures.

How to take care of dentures?

Of course, part and parcel to having dentures is to keep them well-maintained, just like you would with your normal teeth:

1. Always rinse after eating;
2. Avoid bending them;
3. Brush them as you would regularly do;
4. Soak them overnight in water of room temperature; and
5. Schedule regular dental check-ups.

Getting Full or Partial Dental Dentures

When looking for a dentist to fit you with your new dentures, it’s important to look for a caring team of professionals with a strong reputation that offers affordable options that suit working class folks, seniors and boomers. At ProDentures, we offer our patients a welcoming and friendly experience as well as a clean and comfortable environment.


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Dentures Cost Guide – How To Make Tooth Replacement Affordable?,


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