News from ProDentures
Your Source for Affordable Partial & New Dentures in Houston, Texas

Senior Citizen Is All Smiles after Receiving New Affordable Dentures People who are missing more than a few teeth often choose to have a trusted dentist create a new set of high quality dentures. After all, modern technology and revamped techniques have allowed dentures to look and function nearly as well as natural teeth, making affordable new dentures a fantastic option for most people, especially older adults and those on a limited or fixed income. If this is the first time you’ll be wearing dentures, however, they may feel a little awkward in the beginning. This is not uncommon since everyone requires a period of adjustment when wearing dentures for the first time. Fortunately, there are many ways to help you adjust to your new dentures much faster. Some of these ways include:

Talk to Your Dentist About Adhesives

The adhesive you use will play an important role in how well you adjust to your new dentures since dentures need to adequately anchored to the gumline. Talk to your dentist and ask about which types of adhesives he or she recommends. A respected dentist will offer you suggestions that have worked for other patients. However, everyone is different, so be sure to experiment to find one that works best for you.

Practice Eating at Home

One of the more difficult things to do when wearing dentures for the first time would be chewing food. Keep in mind that “practice makes perfect”. It would be best to get used to how your dentures fit and feel as you chew different types of food. Try to draft a menu with a diverse range of textures at home for the first week or so to help you get better acquainted with how your dentures respond to your chewing motions.

Sing Your Favorite Tunes

Some people find that speaking with dentures restricts the movement of the tongue, making it difficult to pronounce certain syllables properly. A good way to practice speaking better is to sing along to your favorite songs while wearing your new dentures. Singing has long been used a form of speech therapy. At first, try singing along to slower songs and work on making sure the lyrics come out smoothly.

Have Your New Dentures Adjusted

Lastly, it is common to revisit the dentist to make minor adjustments as your bones begin to heal. Pay close attention to how your dentures fit in your mouth. Slight discomfort in the first few days is natural, but if the dentures feel too tight or too loose after a few days, you may need to ask your dentist for an adjustment before your next visit. ProDentures is the place for affordable new dentures in Houston, Texas.  Give us a call today at 832-688-9726 to arrange a free, no-hassle on-on-one consultation with one of our experienced dentists.


Five Tips For Getting Used To Dentures, Dentures FAQs,


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