News from ProDentures
Your Source for Affordable Partial & New Dentures in Houston, Texas

Breaking News! A Husband and Wife EMS Team That Are Together 24/7/365! (How can they stand it?)

The truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. Yes, it’s true. I found a non-retired, non-crazy couple who actually spends 24 hours a day with each other…. And seems to enjoy it!

Who’d a thunk it?

Meet our Patients of the Month, Byron and Janis Walker. Nice folks who have the rare accomplishment of working together as an EMS team and staying happily married.

Bryon is loud in every sense of the word. Loud voice, loud upbeat personality, loud love of his wife.

Fate cast them together when Janis filled in for Bryon’s EMS partner and they found their “soul mates”. Eww.

I am not romantic by nature. In fact, my New york upbnringing causes me sever gastric distress when confronted with “true love”.

But that’s what you find here. How else could they stand living and working together 24/7/365?

The classic signs of love are there.

Janis always is with Bryon on his multiple dental appointments. They finish each other’s sentences. They have friendly competitions on who can wear more baubles and bling.

I interviewed them recently about their EMS work. They work more in transporting sick neighbors to and from their medical treatments, rather than scene-of-the-accident paramedics. And they love it!

The Walkers get to know their patients on a very personal level over time and share their emotions.

Their happiness is contagious!

One story was of an elderly patient, “Clyde” who could not speak, only point. The Walkers soon noted that Clyde was never seen outside the facility enjoying the good weather.

So Byron and Janis took Clyde out to eat at a nice restaurant, on their own time and expense. Clyde pointed to lobster, naturally, but a wonderful time was had by all.

And just this small kindness has had a profound effect on Clyde as his family notes how he enjoys his days more. Even getting outside.

It was the good man inside. God knows, it wasn’t his smile.

The surprising thing was how Byron found and won over his soul mate-with a mouth full of really rotten teeth. Testament to his good heart and unavoidable charm. And loudness.

As Byron himself says, “My teeth were downright ugly. You are so self-conscious about it. It changes your demeanor cause you are less willing to show your smile.

“You see old pictures of yourself and you are not smiling, hiding your bad teeth. That’s not who I am, so I’m thrilled with the work you did for me!.

Janis confirmed, “When you find the one for you, the smile doesn’t matter. But you want something better for him. And now his smile is beautiful.” Now that’s a truly happy ending! (Eww.)


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